
Friday, September 22, 2006

Putting your money where your mouth is.

Branson pledges $3 billion to fight global warming
NEW YORK Richard Branson announced Thursday that he would donate an estimated $3 billion over the next 10 years toward fighting global warming.

The announcement came at a news conference at the Clinton Global Initiative in New York, Branson said all future proceeds from Virgin Group's trains and airline businesses would go toward tackling the problem.
"We must not be the generation responsible for irreversibly damaging the environment," said Branson. "We must hand it over to our children in as near pristine condition as we were lent it from our parents."

He stressed the need for consumers to eliminate our addiction to coal and fossil fuels to achieve this goal. "Our generation has the knowledge, it has the financial resources and as importantly, it has the willpower to do so," he said.

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